Can You Help Me Be Jesus' Voice of Gratitude?
All of us have heard complaints about what we Christians do or don't do when we fail to represent Christ well. Unfortunately, when we do stuff right it tends to get much less airplay. Such was the situation last Saturday. In the small town of Argyle Texas at Cross Timbers Community Church, close to 200 church volunteers had arrived at 6 AM to prepare to fix over 150 registered cars of mostly financially- struggling church members as well as total strangers from the nearby communities. The volunteers included not only mechanics but also people to welcome individuals, run errands for mechanics, and feed people breakfast and lunch while they waited on their cars to be fixed. This event has become such an effective means of outreach that it has become a quarterly event. One widow who did not attend our church had her car fixed. Afterwards, she went to the pastor with tear-stained eyes expressing her gratitude “You don’t know how much this means to me; I don’t have anyone to help me with things like this.”
At the same time, in an Applebee's restaurant 10 miles north of the church campus in the city of Denton Texas something was going on that was much smaller, had virtually no budget, but certainly was no less noble and God-honoring than the car clinic. I'm not sure whether the two ladies forgot about the car care event or were initially unaware what was happening just south of them at the same time. In a church of substantial size, it is quite easy to have conflicting events even when you are fully aware of the church calendar! Anyway, less than a week earlier those of us on the prayer team received an e-mail making us aware of a fundraiser breakfast for Tom Starr, a fellow prayer team member who, just over a month ago, had been diagnosed with cancer. Given the localized nature of the cancer, the doctors now seemed increasingly hopeful compared to the original diagnosis just day earlier. On their own initiative, two couples from our church who are closely connected with the Starr family secured a nearby Applebee's restaurant, cooked their own food and catered it to the restaurant for a benefit breakfast to help cover Tom's medical expenses.
Realizing the seriousness of the need, Jackie and I drove 50 miles north to make our contribution to the event. Given the generous nature of our church, normally, to raise a substantial amount of money on a Saturday morning for something of this nature would not have been out of the question. However, with a major event scheduled at exactly the same time, only $600 had been raised on Tom Starr's behalf at the close of the breakfast Saturday. Having been on this journey myself with other family members, I knew that even with Tom’s insurance covering 80% of his expenses, that this would only be a drop in the bucket.
I talked to the families who sponsored the event, and even though I am thankful that they are committed to supporting Tom and his wife Twila through this difficult journey, the small turnout was still obviously a disappointment. With their usual positive attitude, they expressed optimism about promised contributions that still had not come in.
After returning home, I sensed God speaking to my heart: "do you think I was any less glorified by the small turnout of the Starr event as I was by the large car care event?" I knew what God was getting at. God was just as proud of those supporting a family in their hour of need as he was of the 200 volunteers working on people's cars. Yet, the next day great praise was offered for the car care efforts (which was well deserved), but nothing at all was mentioned about the benefit breakfast for Tom. After all, very few people even knew about it to start with.
Those of you who know me well know that asking for help is not exactly my strength. After all, you would not have even known about my previous wheelchair need had it not been for the self- directive actions of close friends who initially acted without my knowledge! However, after several days of prayer and not feeling the release of the Holy Spirit to let this thing go, I am stepping out to ask if you will consider helping someone you don't even know! I know that all of us have limited resources and all of us have equally valid projects we are called to support. As a matter of fact, Jackie and anticipate the privilege of getting to support some of those projects as God directs. So why is a guy like me who rarely asks for help asking for it now? Great question! The reason why is because I not only want to help a brother who has an immediate medical need, but I want to encourage those who are using their time energy and resources to help others in need. As Christians, it is easy to look society and spend so much energy cursing the darkness. This is a unique opportunity to magnify the light! None of us can meet all the need. The idea here is synergy, starting a chain reaction so that the smallest of gifts can make the hugest of impact. If 12 people gave $50, we would literally double what was given this Saturday. Again, I realize mine is not the only need out there, which is why I rarely do things like this. This particular situation touched my heart because in both cases, (the car clinic and the benefit breakfast), the church was obedient being the church. My hope is to ensure both groups are rewarded and encouraged for their efforts.
One thing I can promise you, doing something like this will be EXTREMELY RARE for me! You need not fear my doing things like this on a regular basis. I am do this strictly as a matter of obedience. Those of you who have received from my ministry in the past know that my approach is always to encourage whenever possible. While I definitely have a desire to see Tom healed, I have an equally strong desire for the people supporting Tom to be able to hear Jesus' "well done" for their faithfulness behind the scenes. So many times in a situation like this, all the attention goes to the person fighting the disease and the caregivers take a backseat. In this case, I know nothing that would encourage the people ministering to Tom more than seeing his medical needs provided. There will be many things that we will have to wait until heaven to hear Jesus’ coveted words: "Well done, good and faithful servant!" As God had dealt with my heart, I don't believe this should be one of those situations. May I ask you to consider being God's loudspeaker of gratitude for the simple faithfulness of someone who has taken the time to care? If you are interested in finding out more about Tom and his situation, you can go to: for more information. I have created a link to my PayPal account for those of you who want to help .Every donation I receive between now and next Tuesday afternoon on our way to church will go specifically to the special account that has been set up in Tom Starr's name minus the PayPal fees.
In my next update to come shortly, I will have some exciting developments to share with you regarding the establishment and ongoing official development of our ministry. Please remember how much you all mean to me. You're in my thoughts and prayers often. One last thing, if you see me post the link to this note several times on my Facebook page during the week, it is because I know many of you look at Facebook at different times of the day, and this message can get lost in the midst of all the feed. I have no desire to hassle anyone. Thank you again so much for taking the time to hear my heart and consider my request.
Labels: faithfulness, fellowship, friendship, suffering, support